My Formal Background & Training
Bachelors in Public Health from the University of Illinois 1993
Masters in Social Work, University of Illinois 1995
Master Certified Retreat Coach through the Retreat Coach Network
Completed Coach Training through the Institute for Life Coach Training in 2004
Certified Life Coach (ICF accredited)
Certified Mindful Life Program Mindfulness Teacher
Completed: Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher Training with Christopher Germer & Kristin Neff in 2014
Completed: Playing Big Facilitator Training with Tara Mohr in 2014
Completed: 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training – through Asheville Yoga Center – in 2014
Former board president for the Women’s Resource Center in Durango, Colorado, 2010
Trained in Nonviolent (Compassionate) Communication
Hundreds of hours of mindfulness and meditation practice (in courses and retreats) with teachers including: Jack Kornfield, Trudy Goodman, Ram Dass, Erik Kolvig, John Bruna, Pema Chodron & Sharon Salzberg